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Five ways to make a great reading space for children at home

Almost half of children say they feel better when they’re reading, so we’re helping parents to keep children reading during the summer holidays as part of our partnership with the National Literacy Trust.

Finding the right book for children to really engage with is key, but creating an environment for them to enjoy that story is equally as important.

Here are five ways you can help to create a great reading space this summer:

  1. Find some peace and quiet

First and foremost, it’s important that children can read in peace and are free from distractions.

Find a quiet, safe space for reading time, whether that’s a cosy corner in their bedroom, a secret den under the stairs, or get creative and help them build a reading nook with bedsheets and fairy lights.

Wherever you decide, make sure you turn off the TV and shut the door to remove distractions and help with concentration.

  1. Light it up

In order for children to get lost in a book, they need to be able to see the words on the page. So make sure there’s lots of natural light or a good lamp for evening reading.

You can also use lighting to make the space more inviting. Try putting up fairy lights or include a lava lamp to create a space they’ll love spending time in.

  1. Get cosy

A reading space should be as comfortable and cosy as possible.  

Get children involved in gathering cushions, blankets and decorations to make the space their own, creating somewhere they can relax in for as long as they like.

  1. Build a book display

If you have space, it’s a great idea to have books on display.

Letting children choose their own books is an easy way to get them excited about reading and having a selection to choose from can make it more interactive.

Don’t worry if they have a favourite which they keep going back to, re-reading helps to build a child’s confidence, comprehension, and fluency.

  1. Keep it fun

Reading should be fun for children, and it’s important to keep this in mind once you’ve found the perfect spot.

If possible, keep the space exciting by making it a special place for reading only. You could even create a reading routine, so children look forward to story time.

This shouldn’t be a strict schedule, but rather special time perhaps for children to read aloud before bed, or even time spent reading together with older children.

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